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Nov. 21 2016
For more than 60 years, Hoard’s Dairyman readers could rely on a good laugh facilitated by the tip of Chuck Stiles' pen
Nov. 18 2016
The chicken or the egg debate has been around for ages. But, in the field of animal care, the discussion of inflammation and its sources, or its repercussions, was presented by Barry Bradford
Nov. 16 2016
As I shoved extra paper towels in my pocket and reached for the familiar feel of the show halter, I could not help but think, “This is it. One last lap.”
New York
Nov. 11 2016
4-H members from across the country — spanning Washington to Florida and Vermont to Mississippi competed in the 2016 North American 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl contest held in Louisville, Ky
social media
Nov. 9 2016
“I have no time to do this.” ”If I do this, I put a target on my back.” “I understand why it’s important, but I don’t get this stuff.”
jade grazing
Nov. 8 2016
It’s November 8. Most Americans are celebrating the long-awaited end of the political campaign season
Nov. 7 2016
I recall many cold mornings of feeding calves while growing up. On my family’s 150-cow farm, I would shiver along, wearing at least four layers of clothes, from hutch to hutch
blog_Rollin Valley Farms
Nov. 2 2016
For the past year or two, the egg industry has borne the brunt of the major fury from animal rights activist organizations
Oct. 31 2016
It has long been understood that heat stress is one of the biggest management challenges across the southern United States
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Oct. 27 2016
As an out-of-state college student, I rarely have the opportunity to travel home. Growing up with a tight-knit family, I spent most of my days working alongside my parents and younger sisters
Oct. 26 2016
Some would say that I have been rocking the boat since childhood. And they’d be correct. At the early age of exactly 3 years 9 months, I was challenging the establishment
Spencer Co FFA
Oct. 24 2016
With a healthy margin of victory, four members of the Spencer County FFA chapter took home the top prize at the 2016 National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Ind. For this national FFA contest
Oct. 21 2016
Every year, the October 25, 2016, issue of Hoard’s Dairyman features highlights from the recently concluded World Dairy Expo
Oct. 17 2016
High somatic cell counts have traditionally been associated with other problems in the herd, from digestive upset to reproductive inefficiencies and mobility problems. Particularly when discussing the
Oct. 14 2016
The presentation began with an overview of the forage situation. In 2016, there was a summer drought in the west and northeast sections of the U.S. (and Canada)
Oct. 11 2016
With lights dimmed, spotlights shone on seven exceptional cows as they entered the Coliseum for the presentation of 2016 World Dairy Expo Supreme Champion. Each beautiful cow represented the bes
Oct. 9 2016
Overall Futurity Winners Miss Apple Snapple-Red-ET was chosen as the 2016 World Dairy Expo International Futurity Champion. Snapple is a Red & White and is owned by Milk Source Genetics
Oct. 9 2016
It was Christian and Camille that walked away with Supreme Champion of the Junior Show under the spotlights of World Dairy Expo. Silvermaple Windhammer Camille
Oct. 9 2016
The 2016 World Classic sale featured some of the most sought-after genetics in the Holstein breed
Oct. 8 2016
After being tapped as Reserve Supreme Champion in 2015, Musquie Iotola Martha-ET captured the title of Supreme Champion of World Dairy Expo 2016